Heretic | Film Info | The Cinema in The Power Station
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Screening Times

    “It’s a tremendously enjoyable type of horror, full of giggle-inducing jump scares, but sending you off with some intelligent questions to gnaw on.”
    ★★★★ Olly Richards, Time Out

    “An incredibly tense, tightly contained bottle horror, showcasing a genuinely chilling turn from Hugh Grant. You’ll never watch Notting Hill the same way again.”
    ★★★★ James Dyer, Empire

    “Heretic is gruesome and bizarre and preposterous, the third aspect made palatable by Grant’s dapper performance of evil.”
    ★★★★ Peter Bradshaw, Guardian

    “The genius of Hugh Grant’s big horror turn in Heretic is that, really, he’s the same Hugh Grant as before…”
    ★★★★ Clarisse Loughrey, Independent

    “Grant has indecent amounts of fun with a script that somehow joins the dots between Abrahamic religion, Monopoly, Jar Jar Binks and the Hollies’ The Air That I Breathe and his two co-stars bounce off him satisfyingly.”
    ★★★★ Ed Potton, Times